::taste:::::: Cherry Coke Slurpee

So today I dutifully failed my midterm for my cinematography class. Considering that I spent the whole day cramming for it when I coulda been getting some Z's......it kinda bums me out. The thing that really gets me is that I made a shitload of index cards directly from the review paper and I studied them diligently but I still wound up clueless in room 100. Fuck it. I don't really care as long as I get a passing grade. Shit, I need that trip to Hawaii real bad.
I should go smoke a cigarette and go to bed. ERGH look at me I'm still smoking and I have this awful cough. I'm a naughty little asthmatic. My dad thinks I have walking pneumonia but he doesn't realize that I've just smoked my lungs stupid and they are just getting back at me. El sigh...I really better get to bed. It's about 3 in the am and I have work tomorrow morning. I LOVE MY LIFE ^_____^
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