::taste:::::: V8 Splash (tropical)

Don't smile so hard you'll make yourself bleed. It's a bad habit we all have to break. Kinda like peeing in the pool, it's warm at the time but in the end you're still just swimming in your own waste. Wallowing in your own shit. But memories will become hazy, things will eventually be alright. Just alright. Just say alright. Alright. Things seem to feel so mind numbingly surreal. The past is a blur, just whizzes past my head and doesn't stop to say hello. Sometimes it returns to kick me in the ass. I'd write a list of things to remember but I don't want to. Remember....remember ? Don't press into matters beyond your control. Things tend to get distorted with your face pressed up against the window like that. Smudging up the glass with your heated breath will do nothing but make you look stupid-make you look like you care when you don't. You really don't. Is it that you just want them to know ? To know everything you wished you knew. You know but have forgotten. Time doesn't stand still for anyone, life doesn't wait for you to catch your breath, memories don't wait for you to remember. But the world, in fact, does revolve around you. Don't let your light go out yet. Things are looking up and she is looking down. Hold your breath, dive down deep, get your bearings, moving on never to see any other way.
~Kori (¬_¬)
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