::taste:::::: bland

I post when you post ? is what I would title this entry if I titled my entries.
So yea...I got into an argument today. I wasn't really arguing about the point at hand tho. I was arguing about something that really had nothing to do with the pent up anger that I (for the most part) keep at bay. I was arguing about stupid stuff like moving out and donating cars, when what I really wanted to yell about was lies, deception, morality, decency, and pain. But I didn't....
So I'm gonna move out. Once again I'm going to pick up my stuff and run away, just like I do with every other confrontation I get into, only this time it's literally. Fuck me for not being able to come clean and have a mature conversation about the matter at hand. Fuck me for not being able to choke the words out of my mouth when I have something emotional to say. Fuck me for copping out when things get too heavy. So...I hate myself for this but I'll get over it by tomorrow morning. I don't know when I'll be leaving but I will be leaving. I can't stay here in this house. The air is thick with lies and I'm finding it hard to breath. Mind you, half the lies are my own but the other half will not be where I'm going.
I'm sick....no really I'm sick. I gotta go to the docter. They'll make me better.
There's a storm outside. It's raining and windy out. The end.
~kori (¬_¬)