::taste:::::: Menthol

I took a nap today. My allergies were killing me so I took some tylenol allergy maximum strength. It made me sleepy and I conked out at noon. While I was sleeping my brain told me two stories. They were weird. It was almost as if they were memories, not dreams. It was like I was remembering things from the past. Granted these stories were too outrageous to be true. I would have remembered. So, I'm gonna tell you, my journal, two stories.
It was late in the evening and people in the kitchen mingled with the people in the living room. I could barely hold on to my thoughts because my head was filled with a loud chatter. I leaned up against the counter and stared at the semi-partition that connected the living room to the kitchen. A skinny white lady drunkenly held herself up against the wall. She clutched a rough looking glass in her left hand and pressed her right hand up to her chest as she graciously giggled to an older man in a suit. As I searched around the room for someone I knew I noticed that almost everyone had similar rough glasses in their hands. I turned back to watch the flirty lady strenuously trying to seduce the man in the suit. And as she leaned in towards the man to whisper in his ear her grip on the glass tightened. I winced as the sound of crashing glass pierced my ear. The rooms fell silent and everyone looked around at each other for answers. Then the party picked back up again. An older woman ran over to the embarassed flirt to clean up the broken glass. I sighed and closed my eyes and in the distance I could make out another sound of glass breaking. I opened my eyes to see people all over the room crushing their glasses in their hands. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What the hell was going on? A woman in a black dress came up to me and smiled. She held a rough glass out at me and I hesitantly took it from her hand. The glass was surprisingly light and felt delicate to the touch. If I squeezed it just a little it would break--and it did. Crushing the glass between my hands felt somewhat liberating. I attempted to let out a big sigh but my breath had seemed to escape me. I clutched my chest and struggled to get one little breath of air into my lungs. I couldn't breath and it hurt. As the panic started kicking in and people started to notice what was going on the chatter in my head grew louder. I could hear a woman scream, "Do something!" in the background. As I fell to my knees the woman in black came towards me with a pen in her hand. It was black, just like her dress, and the tip was broken off and blunt. She pulled my lip open and pressed the tip of the pen into my lower lip. I tried to scream and push her away, but my breath was gone so I couldn't scream and I was so weak from lack of oxygen that I couldn't lift my arms. She counted down and pressed harder with every count. 3.....2.....1..... The pain was dull but had the strength of a major migrane headache. In a flash it was over and everything faded from my sight. Everything was black for awhile. Then I woke up. Things were still black, so I found use of my arm and pulled it off my face. I stared up at the ceiling and watched the fan slowly rotate in a low hum.
Yeah, that was a bit longer than I had expected. I'll write down the other later. ~kori (¬_¬)
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