Tuesday, November 18, 2003

::bgnoise:: mariah carey -=music box=-
::taste:::::: sparkling apple cider
::mood::::: content

spawn of satan GRAH ! these damn things keep spawing from my room somewhere. spawn of satan i have a feeling there's a dead something or other producing them under my bed. spawn of satan i'm afraid to look. spawn of satan oh the horror. spawn of satan spawn of satan spawn of satan spawn of satan


anyways, i'm working on a project for school. its a music video for the band eleventeen. still not quite sure what song i'm gonna make it for. i guess i better get started on that sometime soon. the first cut is due next tuesday. eeeeeeh procrastination represent yeye. i'm pretty psyched about this project. i actually want to do it ! (just goes to show you...real procrastinators dont discriminate)

i wanted to write something profoundly profound today but i guess that will have to wait for another day. all that seems to be coming out is mindless drivel. eh. could be worse.

~(¬_¬) kori

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