Thursday, October 23, 2003

and the results are in....for sound class at least. I get a frikken B in that class. i HATE getting B's. not saying that its a bad grade or anything, but
1) a B is like saying "you're good, but you ain't great"
2) a B is so very close to an A
3) i've been workin my god forsaken balls off this semester
4) i deserve a fuckin A more than anyone in this goddamn world !

anyways, i know this makes me sound like an overachiever. i'm not. i just need this right now. i need straight A's. i need it more than anything right now. i need it so bad that it makes me wanna tear up when i think about getting a stupid sub-par B. the reason why i need straight A's so bad is because when i left school i was failing. this was september when i found out my mom was dying. (its weird how comfortable i am with typing out the word dying) so naturally i'm slacking off in school. i end up failing and dropping out that semester. thats not all tho. the semester before, was almost as bad. i, fortunately passed my classes with C's and a D. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. i went to this school just so that i could do what i wanted to do, and do it well. when i leave this school i want people to know that i did what i did well. THUSLY I CANNOT HAVE A LOW GPA ! i'm really turning into a spaz about grades. i need to get out more.
~ kori (¬_¬)

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