::taste:::::: Bile

I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt like this or even if I've ever felt like this before. It makes me cry just thinking about it. I cry a lot, I do but the tears have never burned like this before. It's as if they're falling across my face, down my throat, and hanging there to strangle me until I can't breath. I can choke them back for awhile but that'll just make me vomit. I don't know what's wrong with me. I take that back. I do, but the fact that there's nothing that I can do about it just kills me. And--the things I use to do to make me happy just won't work anymore. I know that running away never solves anything but as the day drags on moving out of here just seems more and more appealing. I think I can make it work. I think I can forget the lies, sorrow, pain, frustration, and longing. I just need to find a way to speed up time. I need to get away from it.