::bgnoise:: the used -=buried alive=-
::taste:::::: juego de naranja
i was checking out everyone's profiles on aim today. you kno the usuals...checking up on my cousins. well, i found a linky on my cuzzie's profile and i just couldn't help myself--i clicked it. turns out the damn thing was a virus. it took me to a webpage with a pop up that wouldn't go away. eek !

so i had to "ctrl + alt + del" and close the window from the task manager. then i couldn't get this stupid message out from my aim profile. i figure my cuzzie is - err was having the same problem. is that right cuz ? anyways, luckily i found out the way to get rid of the virus. what an annoying bug ! sheesh. (cuzzie if you need help with it i'll tell you how to fix it.)
in other news. its getting close to the end of the year and all my friends are stressing out. i guess....so am i. not really stressing tho, i have just come to accept the fact that i have a lot to do. rest assured, it will get done. the major thing is going to be my sound project. for that project alone i need to:
- record the dialogue
- record the foley
- place both dialogue and foley on the timeline
- tweak the levels
- add filters
- work on mixing
for my editing project all i need to do is add some more clips. i'll be gathering them at the eleventeen show @ cafe du nord this sunday and also at the metreon 105.3 studio. (hopefully) saturday i have to go to sebastepol (
sp?) for yet another memorial service. seems like all we do now is go to funerals and memorial services. still, it should be nice spending some time with my aunties on the drive over there.
so~ two more weeks and im out for the semester. i'll see everyone for the holidays.