::bgnoise:: the disney channel
::taste:::::: menthol ciggarette
y0 ! today was an un productive day....i think i spent almost eight hours on the inter-web just hangin out. errr....on the other hand i found this cool website that helps you find people that you've lost touch with. http://www.friendster.com pretty fookin awesome if you ask me ! i got to talk to two people that i havent talked to in years. it was nice to talk about old times. tis always nice to reminesce (sp) about the days when life was easy. heh
on a more somber note....i'm thinkin about quitting my job. not that i cant handle working with dogs ( thats what actually makes me think twice about quitting) its just the people i have to work with. well i kno that i just cant run away from things like that, and yes i do kno that everywhere i go im gonna have to deal with these types of people

but the way some of my coworkers make me feel is just aweful. they're mean and bossy and piggish, well actually its just the men that i have a hard time with. they're typical males...one guy used to come on to me but when he found out that i had a boyfriend he became cruel. ugh....just had to get that off my chest.
so...tonite i went to an eleventeen concert. the next concert is in july, and all my friends will be back from college by then. i just cant wait to have people to hang out with finally. i've become such an antisocial hermit. (god i feel like such a loser these days) it'll be good for me to get out and be more active. i seem to just sleep all the time and do absolutely nada. oh well i'm just so excited...wheee hope you guys come home soon cause i miss you all so very much !!!!! <3