Wednesday, June 18, 2003

::bgnoise:: NFG
::taste:::::: rice-a-roni
::mood::::: sunburnt

i have to make this quick cause im going shopping with my cuzzie in a few. so lets get alist of whats new around here.

1) cuzzie came home from santa barbara for the summer (june 13th)
2) eleventeen wonthe local launch challange for live105 and played @ BFD (june 13th)
3) i got burnt at the concert and it blistered
4) i worked four days in a row of eight hour days filled with doggie poop piddle drool and dirt
5) i'm highly contemplating quitting
6) obon meetings for teachers started last nite, i'm teaching two dances
7) theres a concert tonite at Bottom of the Hill for eleventeen....i'm going
8) now i go shopping

Sunday, June 08, 2003

::bgnoise:: jason mraz- the remedy
::taste:::::: calamari

sooo...i went to work today. woof. i also got a digital camera from my boyfriend the other day...ill post a few pictures from work here sometime in the near future. the dogs are the sweetest. thats what i love about my job.
last nite was terrible. i was up real late last nite. my two indoor cats got out of the house last nite through the screen door. so late last nite i heard a screech and i knew it was one of my kitties. when i went out into the living room to check to see if they were in the house.....sure nuff they were outside. usually the cats stay around the house when they get out, which means if i open the door or check the garage theyre there. so i checked the garage....and my lil kitty ran in like a lightning bolt. but the other cat was still outside, tugs. so me my boyfriend and my dad went out on the streets to search for him....almost an hour when by and i was getting real upset. something made me think that a raccoon ran off with my cat. so i took the car and went around the block....further up the street was a dead cat who had been run over by a car (it totally freaked me out) so i went home and just as i was about to give up and go to bed i decided to check the garage one last time, and as soon as i opened the door my big cat strolls rite in. stupid cats gettin me all worried like that ! bah and then i had to wake up early (something like eight) to go to work this morning. so i'm beat :P

Friday, June 06, 2003

::bgnoise:: the disney channel
::taste:::::: menthol ciggarette

y0 ! today was an un productive day....i think i spent almost eight hours on the inter-web just hangin out. errr....on the other hand i found this cool website that helps you find people that you've lost touch with. pretty fookin awesome if you ask me ! i got to talk to two people that i havent talked to in years. it was nice to talk about old times. tis always nice to reminesce (sp) about the days when life was easy. heh
on a more somber note....i'm thinkin about quitting my job. not that i cant handle working with dogs ( thats what actually makes me think twice about quitting) its just the people i have to work with. well i kno that i just cant run away from things like that, and yes i do kno that everywhere i go im gonna have to deal with these types of people but the way some of my coworkers make me feel is just aweful. they're mean and bossy and piggish, well actually its just the men that i have a hard time with. they're typical guy used to come on to me but when he found out that i had a boyfriend he became cruel. ugh....just had to get that off my chest.
so...tonite i went to an eleventeen concert. the next concert is in july, and all my friends will be back from college by then. i just cant wait to have people to hang out with finally. i've become such an antisocial hermit. (god i feel like such a loser these days) it'll be good for me to get out and be more active. i seem to just sleep all the time and do absolutely nada. oh well i'm just so excited...wheee hope you guys come home soon cause i miss you all so very much !!!!! <3